Consultation Call with Tricia

Do you know what burnout can look like?

Do you know what burnout can look like?


Many moons ago when I was deep in my corporate career I would find myself buried in projects, working long hours, and juggling endless responsibilities at home.

I would power through weeks of intense work, feeling like a superhero, only to find myself getting sick the moment I took a vacation.

It was as if my body knew it was the only time it could afford to shut down, leaving me bedridden and miserable during what was supposed to be a relaxing break.

My immune system was shot, and I knew I couldn't keep living this way.

Sound familiar? If you're a female entrepreneur managing both a busy business and household, you might be in the same boat.

Burnout is a common but dangerous trap that many of us fall into, thinking we need to be invincible at all times.

You don't have to sacrifice your health to be successful. It’s the opposite.

To create true sustainable success your health needs to become a priority. Your physical, mental and emotional well-being needs to be front and centre in your priorities and not last.
Start by recognising and acknowledging the signs.

Pay attention to your body and mind. Are you feeling constantly fatigued, irritable, or disconnected from your passions?

These can be red flags. Acknowledge these signs rather than pushing through them.

Burnout is a real challenge for entrepreneurs especially when you’re the CEO at work and home. But with intentional strategies, you can overcome it.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn't a luxury—it's a necessity because you are the #1 asset in your business.

Your business and your loved ones will thrive when you are at your best.


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