Consultation Call with Tricia

How Real Growth Doesn't Come from Achieving Goals

#goal setting
How Real Growth Doesn't Come From Achieving Goals


I’ve become an avid fan of paint-by-numbers art. I find it relaxing, fun and a great way for me to get out of my head.

I can see the progress I’ve made since I first started at Christmas with my version of the Girl with a Pearl Earring.

I’m currently painting the most intricate piece thus far and it’s looking good because I’ve learned and gotten better over time.

As entrepreneurs, we often set ambitious goals: hitting that $100K mark or launching a new product.

The real transformation doesn’t come from reaching these milestones. It comes from how we evolve in our approach to achieving them.

Imagine two scenarios.

In the first, you're hustling non-stop, trying everything under the sun to hit your business goal. You work late into the night, sacrifice weekends, and push yourself to the brink.

You might achieve that $100K, but are you really any different at the end of it? Probably not. You’re still the same person, perhaps even more burnt out.

Or, in an alternate reality, you set the same financial goal but decide to prioritise balance. You commit to working smarter, not harder.

This means delegating tasks at work and home, focusing on high-impact activities, and setting boundaries to protect your personal time.

Your day-to-day thinking shifts. And gradually, you see progress without the chaos.

The magic lies in this process.

By changing how you go after your goal, you start changing yourself.

You become more strategic, more balanced, and more in tune with what truly matters.

When you finally reach that $100K, you're not just celebrating a financial win. You're celebrating the new, more empowered version of yourself.

Try reflecting on how you’re pursuing your goals today.

If your goal is to create more working less, what needs to change?

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