Create More Time Session

How to be more productive as an entrepreneur

#less is more #productivity tips
Productivity Tips

Wondering about how to become more productive in your business?

I want to share a story that mirrors the struggles and triumphs of someone very much like you and me. For the sake of today, let's call this person Alex.

Alex's story began on a morning that seemed all too ordinary. Armed with a cup of coffee and lots of determination, Alex sat down to face the day's tasks. Yet, what awaited was the all-too-familiar sight of an endless to-do list. Each item screamed for attention, but where to begin? "Why can't I plan my day like when I get coached?" 

It was during one of our coaching sessions that Alex shared this frustration and we discussed a simple truth: the power of perspective. By stepping back to view the workload from a bird's eye view, everything got easier. Prioritising tasks became a strategic decision, not an emotional one. This shift in perspective was the first step to lightening Alex's workload.

Working together, we focused on:

• Starting Small: Alex began each day by selecting three key tasks to focus on. This seemingly small change brought about a significant shift in how they navigated their day, providing clarity and a sense of accomplishment.

• Time Blocking: We structured Alex's day into dedicated blocks of time, each earmarked for a specific task. This method brought order to chaos, transforming Alex's workflow from scattered to streamlined.

• Embracing 'No': Learning to say 'no' became a powerful tool for Alex. It was a realisation that saying 'no' to others meant saying 'yes' to their priorities, freeing them to focus on what truly mattered.

• Prioritising Self-Care: Alex recognised that their productivity was directly tied to their well-being. Self-care shifted from being an afterthought to a cornerstone of their daily routine.

• Reflecting and Adapting: Each week, we reflected on the successes and setbacks, learning and adapting strategies as we went. This continuous cycle of reflection and adjustment became the foundation for growth.

Now, it's your turn.

Where do you need some new perspective in your business?  What would help lighten your to-do load?  You get to decide.

And if you need some help deciding or getting some more perspective about your business priorities, I can help.  It's one of the first steps we take when we start working together, clearing out all the clutter.

The Entrepreneur Power Hour helps you jumpstart your daily productivity.

☆ Stay on track with your goals.
☆ Prioritise crucial tasks with ease.
☆ Stay motivated all day.

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