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How to Stop Working so Much

#burnout #overwhelm #work life balance


There’s always work that needs to be done. Or should I say, could be done.

Whether in my business or at home, my list of tasks is never-ending.

I used to think the problem was my career choice. The legal profession is renowned for working long hours.

Starting my own business, I discovered the same problem.

Running a business or being a lawyer wasn’t the issue. The common denominator was me.

I didn’t have any boundaries around work.

I worked as long as it took to get the job done in my business, and then I did the same in my personal life.

My life became a cycle of work, work and more work, and it felt addictive.

I got a kick from getting so much done. I felt proud.

And I also felt exhausted, resentful, flat and dissatisfied.

My dream of creating a business that would give me the freedom of time, energy and financial success waivered.

And then I remembered that as the CEO, I get to decide how much I work.

I focused on what truly mattered in my business and personal life.

I noticed that working endless hours doesn’t equal success. It just meant I stayed busy.

Now, I choose where to invest my time and energy. I’ve built a business that supports the life I want, not vice versa.

The result? More productivity, more satisfaction, and a business I love.

Remember, you have the power to decide how much you work. It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing what matters most.

So, take a moment. Are you working on your terms? If not, it’s time to make a change. After all, you’re the boss.


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