What does the Bible have to do with productivity?

Have you ever heard of the Bible story of Mary and Martha?
It always used to bug me.
It's a story about Jesus visiting two sisters. Martha is busy with preparations and serving, while Mary chooses to sit at Jesus' feet, listening to his teachings.
Martha becomes frustrated and asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her.
Jesus gently reminds her that Mary has chosen the better part by focusing on what truly matters—spiritual nourishment over busyness.
As a kid, I thought it was easy for Mary to sit on her butt because Martha was doing all the work!
Obviously, I wasn't ready to hear the lesson...
You don't have to believe in God to benefit from the wisdom in this story.
It's all about prioritising your time for what's truly important instead of being consumed by the demands of daily life.
Where are you bogged down in busyness, at work and at home? Now, take a step back and consider what's important.
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