Consultation Call with Tricia

What to do when you feel guilty about always working

#work life balance
What to do when you feel guilty about always working

One of the many reasons I became an entrepreneur was because I liked the idea of setting my hours.

Being able to have coffee with a friend in need without asking for anyone’s permission.

Starting my own business has been an education. I have had to learn to give myself permission to work sometimes and not feel guilty about missing a family event AND to skip work another day and get my nails done with my daughter without judgement.

I’m not alone.

Studies show that nearly 70% of female entrepreneurs feel constant guilt about neglecting their personal lives for work.

And it's not just about missing events. It's the nagging worry that you're not spending enough time with your loved ones or, worse, that your relationships might suffer because of your career.

Balancing work and personal life is challenging, but not impossible. It’s a continuous process.

Your balance will be different to mine. Your balance will change from one week to the next and that’s okay.

One helpful tip that applies whether you’re at work or home is to be fully present.

When you’re with family or friends, be with them. Give them your undivided attention.

If you’re at work then show up as the CEO, focused on the tasks at hand.

Make the most of the time you have at work or home by being fully engaged in each moment. It may sound trite but it’s effective.




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