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Why Starting Something New Feels Hard...

#goal setting #obstacles #productivity tips
Be a Beginner

Every expert was once a beginner.

It's the start of a new year, and many of us feel inspired to try something different.

Whether launching a new service or exploring a different strategy - starting something new in your business can feel intimidating. It’s easy to fumble, make mistakes, and cringe at our first attempts.

And that's what makes it harder. We judge our performance.

Think of a toddler learning to walk. They wobble, fall, and get back up—over and over again. We don’t criticise their efforts; we cheer them on. But when it’s our business, we expect perfection from day one.

Think about something you’ve persevered with in your business? Maybe it was creating your first product, signing your first client, or running your first launch. What if you’d judged yourself based on your first attempts? Would you have stuck with it?

If I graded myself based on my early coaching sessions, I would have quit—and missed out on building a business I love.

Remember, where you start doesn’t determine where you’ll finish. Every successful entrepreneur was once a beginner, too. They just kept going.

So, as you step into new opportunities for your business this year, give yourself permission to be messy, awkward, and imperfect. Trust the process—and keep going.

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